Blonde Chocolate Couverture Dorado 35%

This blonde caramel white chocolate is here to help you create, surprise and delight

Blonde Chocolate Couverture Dorado 35%

This blonde caramel white chocolate is here to help you create, surprise and delight









Why Blonde White Chocolate?

  • In the last five years, chocolates with caramel have had a 14% share of global launches. Chocolate bars have the highest percentage, with an average of 280 launches per year. 

  • From a consumer's point of view, caramel has been a favourite, ranking third of the most loved ingredients in the past year. Consumers are seeking indulgent experiences with top-quality materials that resonate with familiar flavours setting feels like nostalgia to make an everyday moment feel special.
  • United States, Germany and the United Kingdom have a share of more than 55% of the global chocolate caramel launches in the last five years.

Why our Dorado 35% Chocolate Couverture? 

  • Fine milk chocolate with caramelized notes, with an soft milky flavor that is perfectly balanced with sweet tones and long caramel notes that highlight a delicate creamy texture with a simple mouthfeel that gives this couverture the perfect end.

  • This new caramel chocolate couverture is made with Luker's signature Cacao Fino de Aroma and one of the most popular confectionary flavours using caramelised milk and caramelised sugar to create a creamy-caramel texture and flavour that stands with our company's sustainable values.

  • This chocolate's application possibilities are versatile, from ganaches to bars that can have classic, seasonal flavours or just by themselves. 

Dare To Create luxurious caramelized applications for confectionery and snacks

Explore the product claims, crystallisation curve and other details you might need to know, and products applications you can create with our couverture.

Download the product fact sheet here

What is the estimated volume required during the year?

Dare to create luxurious applications for confectionery and snacks.

Explore the product claims, crystallisation curve and other details you might need to know, and products applications you can create with our couverture.

Download the product fact sheet here

What is the estimated volume required during the year?